Yes, it’s the day when we are releasing Enpass 6 Portable on all the desktop platforms. After the release of the first beta, we thought that this awesome day will come soon but, it took a bit longer than expected. The real challenge here for us was to deliver it with the same awesomeness and consistency across all the platforms, which you guys have been fond of with the Enpass 6 normal version. Thank you guys, for all your love!
What is Enpass Portable?
For those who are not aware of the portable version of Enpass, as the name suggests, Enpass Portable is designed to allow you to carry your passwords, login details, and other important information with you – in your USB drive – wherever you go.
It is useful for users who don’t have administrator rights on a machine to install the Enpass app, and also the System Administrators who have to keep switching their workstations. With Enpass Portable, we’ve completely bypassed that problem. There’s no install required… just plug in the USB drive, and you’re done.
How much will Enpass Portable cost?
The genesis of Enpass Portable was in our extended community of users, beta testers, and online media, and hence, the product too is for the community.
Enpass Portable will be free for all Enpass users – whether they use our paid mobile apps or free desktop apps. If you’ve never used Enpass and will like a portable solution like this, you’re welcome too!
What’s new in v6!
Of course not a couple of few features. Here we go:
All-new design and security model
The biggest improvement over Enpass 5 portable has happened actually under the skin at the core level– the new Enpass engine with a whole new security layout. We have moved from PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1 to PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512 and iterations have been bumped-up to 100K. It is written entirely in C++ to ensure proper memory hygiene. The same core is shared across all platforms to make sure any update or change gets reflected immediately. Browser extensions now require pairing before usage and browser/extension communication channel is truly encrypted. You can browse more about security here in the white paper.
Multiple Vaults
Enpass 5 portable was limited by design to work with a single vault and the ability to work with multiple databases was one of the top requests that led to the birth of Enpass 6 portable. Now you can have different vaults for personal and work credentials or for different clients with whom you can collaborate over a common, shared cloud account. Each of your vaults requires a different cloud account to sync with. You can read more about having Multiple vaults and how they work in Enpass, here.
Better Autofilling Experience
The former Enpass Helper utility is now Enpass Assistant. Unlike the Enpass Helper, the new Enpass Assistant runs as a single process with the main app for better memory management and allows you to quickly access your items or edit them from within your browser. There’s also Multi-fields Autofilling which will enable autofill on the web-pages having more than two fields to log in. For the steps to use the assistant, head straight to our user-manual.
More control over Categories, Templates, and Icons
The Portable version of Enpass 6 brings one of the most demanded features; Custom Categories and Templates. You’re now allowed to define your own categories and templates under the customize section in the settings.
Also, as was much requested by our users, you can add customized icons while adding a new item.
Better Import from other Software
For Non-Enpasssians, Enpass 6 Portable would prove to be a very good opportunity to join the club, even if you’re using any other password manager. We now support importing data from many other password managers and your own custom CSV file.
Secure Sharing
Now from Enpass 6 portable, you can share an item with other Enpass users by encrypting it with your own Pre-defined, PSK (Pre-Shared Key). The person having the prior knowledge of your PSK can only add the item to his Enpass database and can access it.
Keyfile Support for Unlocking Enpass
To add extra randomness to your Master Password, now you can use a KeyFile in Enpass. A KeyFile gets appended to your Master Password before the actual encryption or decryption of your data happens. So, even if someone, somehow gets access to your data and your Master password is also compromised (a worst-case scenario), your data is still safe as the KeyFile (stored on your device) is required to decrypt your data.
Trash and Archive
There’s also the new Trash and Archive paradigm. All the items you delete in Enpass will be moved to Trash first, allowing you to recover the accidentally deleted items. You can also archive the items which are no longer in use, and you don’t want them to appear in search results. Read here for more details on Trash & Archive.
Well, dear Enpassians, thank-you again for your love and support to make this day happen for us. Also, we would like to say super-thanks to all our beta users?, who helped us in squshing the creepy bugs in the beta versions released so far and bringing in trust in us to get over with the migration phobia involving drastic changes in core architecture. We love you!!
As always we’re always looking for feedback. If you have something to share, drop us a line on Twitter or Facebook. If you’re looking for help, shoot us an email at support@enpass.io, or better still, engage with the Enpass community on our Forums.