While a growing number of people are adopting password managers to secure their digital lives, there is still hesitation from some. While most are aware of the benefits of a password manager acting as a secure vault for their online credentials and other important information, certain myths about password managers are holding them back.
Here we address some of the common myths around the use of password managers and try to put the records straight. While we can confidently say that the following information is correct when it come to Enpass, and that the same holds true for other credible password managers, we encourage you to do your own due diligence before making the decision on which password manager to choose.
Myth: You can’t trust password managers
An increase in reported incidents of data breaches at a variety of online services has gotten some users worried if such a hack is possible with password manager apps. After all, a password manager is just another tech tool with varying degree of online connectivity.
This mistrust is misplaced. Password manager apps take considerable steps to lock down your data and avoid any breach. Often, they are also audited for securely. The only way to access your data is with a single master password that only you know – while all the data is securely encrypted.
Even if your device is hacked or there is a breach at the password manager’s servers, a good password manager will not know your master password to get in and the data stored in an encrypted format would be gibberish if accessed.
In case of offline password managers like Enpass, your data does not even interact with our servers in any way.
Myth: Password managers can’t prevent your data from being leaked in a data breach
While no app or service can guarantee you 100% security, a password manager will take you a step closer to that. Every house can be broken into, but we still make sure we lock our doors.
Password managers help transform your online behavior and password habits. You’ll be able to use strong and complex passwords generated by your password manager, which will save you from brute force attacks.
Also, because you don’t have to memorize your passwords any longer, you won’t need to recycle them between different accounts or use variations of the same passwords. This means if your email/username and password combo is leaked through a data breach, it will be unique to that one service. Once you learn about the breach, you can quickly change your password with the help of your password manager and your account is secure again.
Myth: It’s easier to remember passwords than setting up a password manager
These days, we are signing up on more and more apps, websites, and online services across our devices. It is impossible to memorize so many passwords, so we end up using easy, guessable passwords or using the same passwords time and time again which is a huge risk to our digital security.
Yes, it will take you some time to set up your password manager and log all your credentials, but once you’ve done that, it’s plain sailing; your password manager will automatically generate strong and unique passwords for you and autofill them in webpages and apps.
Do you have any other concerns about using a password managers? Let us know, so we can address them for you and the wider community. Download Enpass, and let us know if you need any help getting started by dropping a line at support@enpass.io or give us a shout out on Twitter or Facebook.